Thursday, November 5, 2009

Welcome to Beauty Board

Welcome to Beauty Board! beauty, fashion and everything chic in between.

Today I found myself starring at my closet hoping that the items I no longer wear would disappear and magically be replaced with all new items. That didn't happen. Instead, my eye focused on two items:

1. one shoulder, bright multi-print mini dress that I've yet to wear, but have packed on every summer trip I've taken for the last 3 years. Each time I try it on I feel like a lost cast member from the Love Boat.

2. a J Crew Candy Tweed dress that I bought, returned, told a friend about, they bought it, I got jealous, proceeded to talk them out of it, and "encouraged" them to give it to me. DISCLAIMER: I don't exhibit this type of fashion behaviour often. I've had the dress for 6 months and have yet to wear it. I am on a fashion "fast" and can't buy anything. So this dress is the closest thing I have to a new item. This is how I would like to wear it..

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