Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wellness Wednesday With Lauren: Summer Fitness Challenge

With infomercials every few minutes showcasing P90X and Insanity, it's no wonder many women feel lost when it comes to working out.  P90X and Insanity are both extremely difficult workouts for experienced gym rats.  For the next eight weeks, I plan to post weekly workouts to give readers some simple ideas on how to get in shape for the summer.  I plan to include "Featured Workout Moves" with photos, which will include at least one upper body exercise, one lower body exercise and one ab exercise.  By the end of the eight weeks, we should have a complete total body workout that you can use during the summer. 

It is important to get at least 4 or 5 days in the gym each week.  My workouts usually last only one hour; I can't stand to be in the gym for any longer.  I usually workout Monday through Thursday, and then once on either Saturday or Sunday.  Don't freak out if you miss a few days one week, just stay focused on getting back on track the next week.

Featured workout moves for this week include:

Shoulders: Sumo High Pulls
                Start                                                             Finish

Chest: Modified Push-Ups
 Start                                               Finish

Outer thigh:  Side Leg Raise with Bands (raise one leg and then switch)
 Start                                         Finish

Hamstrings (back of legs): Hamstring Curl on Yoga Ball
 Start                                   Finish

Abs:  Leg Raises 
 Start                                   Finish

Abs:  Weighted Medicine Ball Oblique Twists
Start                                     Finish

Week One:

Wednesday, April 7: 45 minutes of cardio + 15 minutes of abs 
-15 minutes on a stationary bike, 15 minutes on an elliptical/rowing machine/arc trainer and 15 minutes walking/running.
-3 sets of 15 regular crunches on the floor, 15 leg raises (see above), 15 oblique twists with weighted medicine ball (start with 8 lbs, work up to 12lbs - see above), 15 back extensions (lay on your stomach, hands under your chin, raise your torso up off the ground and back down).

Thursday, April 8: 20 minutes of cardio + 40 minutes of upper and lower body weight lifting
20 minutes on an elliptical/rowing machine/arc trainer
20 minutes of upper body weight lifting, which should include: sumo pulls for shoulders (see above), push-ups for chest (see above), biceps, triceps and upper back. 
20 minutes of lower body weight lifting, which should include: squats or lunges, inner and outer thigh (see above), hamstrings (see above).

Friday, April 9: Rest Day

Saturday, April 10: 30 minutes of cardio + 15 minutes of abs
30 minutes of cardio on your favorite machine or walk/run/hike outside.
3 sets of 15 regular crunches on the floor, 15 leg raises (see above), 15 oblique twists with weighted medicine ball (start with 8 lbs, work up to 12lbs - see above), 15 back extensions (lay on your stomach, hands under your chin, raise your torso up off the ground and back down).

Sunday, April 11: Rest Day

Monday, April 12: 30 minutes of cardio + 20 minutes of upper body weight lifting
30 minutes of cardio on either stationary bike or elliptical/rowing machine/arc trainer
20 minutes of upper body weight lifting, which should include sumo pulls for shoulders (see above), push-ups for chest (see above), biceps, triceps and upper back. 

Tuesday, April 13: 30 minutes of cardio + 20 minutes of lower body weight lifting
30 minutes of cardio, walking or running on the treadmill
20 minutes of lower body weight lifting, which should include: squats or lunges, inner and outer thigh (see above), hamstrings (see above).

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