Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shopping in Paris

Ovviamente gli acquisti sono stati tanti e non intendo soltanto di cose costose, bensì, anche le solite piccolezze da turisti che tanto mi piacciono. Ho cercato quindi di creare una piccola gallery nel quale mostrarvi gli acquisti che sono riuscito a fotografare nel migliore dei modi ed eccoli quì:

In Paris we did lots of shopping and i don't mean just Expensive shopping but we also did cheap shopping. I try to create a little gallery with the best items of our Parisienne Shopping. 
Enjoy it:

This fantastic pair of shoes by Eden was bought by my friend Luisa, the quality was amazing and the fur was so soft! The price was not so expensive  but they are 100% worth every euro spent.
 My friend Giacomo was in Love with the Jean Paul Gautier Eau de Toilette "Le Male" and buy a parfume in Paris costs  less than in Italy for sure(he saved about 10€), so he decided to buy it and he received also a fantastic little free Christmas Present.
 Then i bought a necklace for my Mom, Pink Satin Slippers for my Sister and some magnets. I also bought other things in Disneyland Paris Resort for my friend and especially for my little nephew but i didin't have any time to take pictures anymore.

 Qual'è il vostro Souvenir preferito?
Which item is your favourite ?


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