Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Windows of Paris

Per concludere il Tris di Post riguardo il mio viaggio a Parigi, ho scelto come tema le vetrine. Quest'estate ho anche fatto un corso a Roma in Visual Merchandising e quindi tutto ciò che concerne il mondo e lo studio delle vetrine ma anche il layout del negozio e tutte le tecniche per rendere il prodotto più attraente ed incrementare le vendite del negozio stesso.
Ovviamente a Parigi lo studio del Visual trova la sua massima manifestazione sotto le feste Natalizie dove c'è una grande attesa ogni anno nel vedere le vetrine dei più grandi magazzini della città.
Le vetrine del grande magazzino La Fayette sono visibili soltanto a chiusura oppure i giorni festivi.
Ecco qui una Gallery delle vetrine Chrstmas 2010 dei magazzini LaFayette:

To conclude the Tris Post about my trip to Paris, I chose stores windows like theme. This summer I also did a course in Visual Merchandising in Rome everything concerning the world and the study of the windows but also the layout of the shop and all the techniques to make the product more attractive and increase store sales too.
Of course, in Paris studying Visual finds its greatest manifestation in the Christmas holidays where there is a great expectation each year to see the windows of most amazing stores in the city.The windows of  La Fayette are oper just when it is closed and on Sunday.
Here is a Gallery of the Christmas 2010 LaFayette windows :

The amazing  thing was that every single window was in motion!

 The H&M windows. Inside the store there was the WHOLE Lanvin for H&M collection!!!
The big displays you can see in background were amazing because inside the store they go up and down for the 3 different floors of the store like elevator.

And now the windows of the" Bazar Hotel de la Ville" with a Circus theme.  I am so sorry for the pics quality but it was pure morning so i know you will understand.
You will also find some items i found around the city.

Scegliete la vostra vetrina o oggetto preferito e fatemi sapere che ne pensate.

Well done. Choose your own favourite Window and item and let me know what do you think about.


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