Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mantyhose- Where They Do That At??

Work has been kicking my butt like Billy Blanks Tae Bo Cardio! So I have limited brain capacity to think about anything besides HR stuff!!!! Well, that's what I thought until I came across an old video about Mantyhose. Mantyhose=man pantyhose=big brother to meggings=should not be worn. Amazing how bad fashion can snap you out of it! Check out Kathy Lee Gifford & Hoda from The Today Show discussing mantyhose!

Mantyhose are designed for men who want to lift, tuck the beer gut and sculpt the body. Not to be confused with men who cross-dress and wear women’s pantyhose. Apparently there are men who enjoy the comfort and support pantyhose provide. This is the worse cross over fashion trend that men could ever adopt from women.

I wouldn't date a guy who wore mantyhose, but I guess if I did and my pantyhose had a run in them, I could just borrow his. I know the queen diva of pantyhose, Beyonce, is protesting! 

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