Friday, March 12, 2010

The Life and Times of a Corporate HR Chick: Dressing Corporate Chic

I'm a corporate chick that desires to be corporate chic! It can be a challenge to dress fashionable when you work in a business casual environment and your fashion style conflicts with professional dress attire. To add more confusion to the situation, spring is here. What is it about spring and summer that cause women to make bad fashion choices at work???? So here are a few tips from a HR chick:

No flip-flops: These just need to be reserved for your personal life. I don't know what outfit someone could put on in the morning and feel that rubber flip flops are the best compliment. If you must wear them, I suggest wearing them on your drive to work, walk to the door, and remove them before you enter the building.

No revealing clothing: This includes midriff tops, spaghetti straps, mini skirts, sheer summer materials such as organza and liquid jersey, plunging necklines, etc. These items are great to wear on a night out with the girls or on the weekend. But when "the girls" at work describe your boss and peers, it's a NO GO.

Avoid being super trendy- Your boss, peers, and colleagues are evaluating your ability to consistently perform your job responsibilities. Not your ability to consistently dress in the newest trends. Know your audience. I LOVE fashion, but I don't work for Conde Nast. So 4 inch heels, studded vest, skinny jeans with otk boots should be saved for after 5 PM. I am in no way suggesting that you take a weekend trip to your mom's house and borrow her work clothes from 1992. Wearing super dated clothing is still a HAM.

There's nothing wrong with wearing fashion trends or making a fashion statement at work. You have to interpret the trend appropriately for the environment. Here are a few of my favorite looks courtesy of First Lady Michelle Obama. She consistently gets her business chic look right:

I know this is for the winter but she has on 3 great trends- textured blazer, color, and a high waisted belt!

Great use of patterns with color. If you like it, buy 2 in different colors!

I'm a J. Crew groupie! The tweed skirt and the outfit at the bottom is J. Crew. I love the mixtures of textures. 3/4 sleeve makes it a bit more casual. 

Could this be the J. Crew tweed skirt she wore before and same peach cardigan? I think it is. Classic pieces that are easy to mix and match are good investments. 

Great Casual Friday look!

The ground rule is business casual still means professional. I would love to wear skinny jeans and my Louboutins everyday, but I can't. While dressing appropriately will not get you a promotion, dressing inappropriately could get you _________ (you can fill it in).....

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