Thursday, March 11, 2010

Makeup Mayhem With Courtney Hughes: Moisturize Your Face

It is shocking to me how many women I meet daily who are afraid of moisturizer. These women have so many excuses as to why..."Oh my skin is way too oily for moisturizer,"  "I don't wanna break out," or "I just use vaseline". Ugggghhhh, not ok! Ladies, ladies, ladies you HAVE to moisturize! Today I want to tell you why and how it will change  your life.

Moisturizers make the skin look younger and smoother, and help balance the ph level of the skin. If they contain SPF, they will help protect the skin from sun exposure. Most facial moisturizers are OIL FREE so they will not make your skin OILY!! You have to realize the difference between moisture and oil. If you mix oil and water in a glass you will see the difference, right? Moisturizers usually contain a water base, so they are adding water based moisture to the skin, which is going to improve the quality of the skin.

Most people notice a nasty oily film on their skin by the end of the day. This is your skin's way of hydrating itself. The more you moisturize, the less your skin will overcompensate by hydrating itself. You really don't want to let your skin get to this point. If this happens, your skin will get oily, and then break down your makeup and basically push it off your face. This is why most people feel the need to re-apply their makeup by the end of the day because it looks old and seems to disappear! I promise the more you moisturize your skin, the better your makeup will look ALL DAY! Trust me on this ladies, if you are not going to moisturize with a good facial moisturizer, you might as well not put on any makeup at all.

Don't be afraid of it... your skin should feel moist before you apply your makeup. In my opinion, it should almost feel wet. Especially if you have dry skin. You can use a lightweight moisturizer during the day and then a heavier cream at night if you prefer. I suggest using a clean brush or sponge to apply all liquids or creams to your face. Touching the face at all during the makeup process (or throughout the day) can cause breakouts. Best of all, moisturizer will also help reduce breakouts.

Chances are, whether your skin is super oily or totally dry, your skin is thirsty. So up the ante on your moisture ladies...just ask J-Lo. Muah!

Some of my favorites include:

MAC Mineralize all over lotion-$29.50

MAC Oil control lotion -$29.50

Stay posted for choosing Good-for-Your-Skin Oils & Moisturizers!

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