Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Olivia Palermo's Jewelry Line...and a Brief Recap of "The City"

So it seems Queen "B", Olivia Palermo, isn't totally clueless after all. Apparently she can add jewelry designer in front of her ELLE job title. Olivia collaborated with Roberta Freymann to create hand embroidered bib necklaces. Prices for the pieces range from $175 to $300. I guess if you are over the age of 3 and still desire to wear a bib, it should be jeweled...HAHA.

If you watch "The City" on MTV,  you are aware of her work habits, which keep me entertained. Last week, Kelly Cutrone gave Whitney some advice on dealing with Olivia's antics.

1-"I'm gonna set this really straight. You need to go there and take this b**h out. No, no, no, no ... She's under your skin so now what you have to say [is], 'I'm not this nice blond that you think I am from California. An now you're gonna meet the real me.' Cuz you have to let people who are toxic and dangerous to you know that you will f**king fight back. Cuz you know where nice people end up? On welfare."

2- "Who gives a f**k about [Olivia's] f**king opinion? I really ... who gives a f**k about her opinion? No, she's dead! She is f**king dead! Because I'm gonna f**king come up like a shark underneath a glass bottom boat and f**king whip the s**t out of her."

3-"[Olivia] is professionally dangerous to you. She's like a little petty tyrant. Scare the s**t out of her, and don't ever do it on email or do it in writing."

Do you think Kelly was too harsh, or right on point?

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