Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Leather Leggings

Lauren is on vaca so we're skipping Wellness Wednesday and focusing on the fashion crisis I just solved!

I got caught up in the hype last year and purchased a pair of leather leggings. I convinced myself they would be a classic item, I'd wear them often, they are better than latex, blah, blah, blah. Well, I haven't worn them once. Mainly because I couldn't figure out what type of top I wanted to wear.  I've decided I need a top that covers my butt and one that can also be worn alone. A 2 for 1 special so to speak. I found a beautiful gray silk-jersey playsuit by Elizabeth & Jane, but it's $490. Way over my budget, but it gives me inspiration. I need to wear the leggings ASAP since it's going to be spring soon! Here's what I'm thinking....

I love the fashion and style of Olivia Palmero from The City. She wears leather leggings quite often. I need to devote an entire post to her!


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